Information Security

The governing principle within information security is CIA – Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability – which means the following:

Confidentiality :


Preventing the disclosure of information to unauthorized individuals and/or systems.

Integrity :


Ensuring information cannot be modified or destroyed undetectably.

Availability :


Ensuring that information is available as needed, which consists of timely and reliable access.

At Information Sentric we take a different approach. Our approach is to start with the end in mind and take a top down approach using the defence in depth principles. Instead of taking an isolated view with respect to assets and risks, we recommend a business view of information asset identification, analysis and protection using a tailored Octave framework and the Information Asset Profile process (IAP).

Sentric uses a number of internationally recognised Frameworks including COBIT, OCTAVE, and SABSA to assist organisations to understand their current information security state.